
La idea ms maravillosa / The Most Magnificent Thing (Spanish Edition)

La idea ms maravillosa / The Most Magnificent Thing (Spanish Edition)

ISBN: 9788448848804
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La idea m�s maravillosa es un cuento infantil que trata sobre la creatividad y los pasos del proceso creativo. Una historia que motivar� a ni�os y ni�as a no desanimarse, a cambiar su perspectiva y a probar de nuevo.

Un d�a, una ni�a amanece con una magn�fica idea en su cabeza. Con la ayuda de su perro y asistente decide dedicarse a construirla.

Sabe c�mo ser�. Sabe c�mo funcionar�. Y piensa que ser� muy f�cil crearla.

Pero cuando se pone manos a la obra, se da cuenta de que es una tarea m�s dif�cil de lo que ella pensaba... Trabaja, trabaja y trabaja, �pero no consigue que funcione!

Pero entonces su ayudante logra convencerla de que se tome un descanso, para regresar a su proyecto m�s tarde con entusiasmo renovado, y volverlo a intentar.

�Ser� suficiente para conseguir construir el invento m�s maravilloso jam�s visto?


Award-winning author and illustrator Ashley Spires has created a charming picture book about an unnamed girl and her very best friend, who happens to be a dog.

The girl has a wonderful idea. She is going to make the most MAGNIFICENT thing! She knows just how it will look. She knows just how it will work. All she has to do is make it, and she makes things all the time. Easy-peasy! But making her magnificent thing is anything but easy, and the girl tries and fails, repeatedly. Eventually, the girl gets really, really mad. She is so mad, in fact, that she quits.

But after her dog convinces her to take a walk, she comes back to her project with renewed enthusiasm and manages to get it just right.

For the early grades' exploration of character education, this funny book offers a perfect example of the rewards of perseverance and creativity. The girl's frustration and anger are vividly depicted in the detailed art, and the story offers good options for dealing honestly with these feelings, while at the same time reassuring children that it's okay to make mistakes.
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