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The Place

The Place

ISBN: 9781532630439
Regular price $45.34 USD
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Jewish dreams of a third temple on Temple Mount seem thwarted by the Islamic shrine the Dome of the Rock, or Qubbat As-Sakhrah. But was this where the biblical temples ever actually stood? What if this was never the correct site? What if there is nothing to prevent the temple being built on its actual correct site, the site known through the ages as the Place? Adam, Melchizedech, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, and many more through to Jesus and the apostles all have this in common: their lives and ministries centred around and related to what had become known as the Place. What is the Place? Where is it? And what is its extraordinary meaning and significance? Take a captivating narrative journey of discovery from Adam to John as the mystery of the Place unfolds. Ian is an Australian pastor, Bible teacher, and businessman who resides on Sydney's magical northern beaches where he enjoys sailing, sharing his faith, and preaching--as well as writing.
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