
El Prisionero del Cielo / The Prisoner of Heaven (Spanish Edition)

El Prisionero del Cielo / The Prisoner of Heaven (Spanish Edition)

ISBN: 9780345803306
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Carlos Ruiz Zaf�n, autor de �xito de ventas del New York Times, aclamado internacionalmente, crea una historia rica y laber�ntica de amor, literatura, pasi�n y venganza, ambientada en una Barcelona oscura y g�tica, en la que los h�roes de La sombra del viento y El juego del �ngel deben lidiar con una n�mesis que amenaza con destruirlos.

Barcelona, 1957. Daniel Sempere y su amigo Ferm�n, los h�roes de La Sombra del Viento, regresan de nuevo a la aventura para afrontar el mayor desaf�o de sus vidas. Justo cuando todo empezaba a sonre�rles, un inquietante personaje visita la librer�a de Sempere y amenaza con desvelar un terrible secreto que lleva enterrado m�s de dos d�cadas en la oscura memoria de la ciudad. Al conocer la verdad, Daniel comprender� que su destino le arrastra irremediablemente a enfrentarse con la mayor de las sombras: la que crece en su interior. Rebosante de intriga y emoci�n, El Prisionero del Cielo es una novela magistral donde los hilos de La Sombra del Viento y El Juego del �ngel convergen a trav�s del embrujo de la literatura y el enigma que se oculta en el coraz�n del Cementerio de los Libros Olvidados.


"A deep and mysterious novel full of people that feel real. . . .An enthralling read and a must-have for your library. Zaf�n focuses on the emotion of the reader and doesn't let go." -- Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Internationally acclaimed, New York Times bestselling author Carlos Ruiz Zaf�n creates a rich, labyrinthine tale of love, literature, passion, and revenge, set in a dark, gothic Barcelona, in which the heroes of The Shadow of the Wind and The Angel's Game must contend with a nemesis that threatens to destroy them.
Barcelona, 1957. It is Christmas, and Daniel Sempere and his wife, Bea, have much to celebrate. They have a beautiful new baby son named Juli�n, and their close friend Ferm�n Romero de Torres is about to be wed. But their joy is eclipsed when a mysterious stranger visits the Sempere bookshop and threatens to divulge a terrible secret that has been buried for two decades in the city's dark past.
His appearance plunges Ferm�n and Daniel into a dangerous adventure that will take them back to the 1940s and the early days of Franco's dictatorship. The terrifying events of that time launch them on a search for the truth that will put into peril everything they love, and will ultimately transform their lives.
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